Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct sums up fundamental principles underlying the conduct of Škoda Auto Group employees and is instrumental in responding to legal and ethical challenges.
The Škoda Group’s reputation is a core value relying on the resolve shown by employees around the world to act in keeping with our Code of Conduct and all laws. The “Code of Conduct at Škoda Auto Group” has become part and parcel of our corporate culture.
Download the Code of Conduct for further information:

Risk Management
The Škoda Auto Group’s risk management structure is built on a common principle of risk management within the Volkswagen Group complying with German legislative requirements. Risk management, as an operational component of the corporate process, must pinpoint individual risks down to the last detail, assess how great they are, take action to eliminate them, and document how effective the response has been.
The Škoda Auto Group’s global operations on automotive markets throw up numerous risks that could dent its financial performance and business success. At the same time, economic and regulatory changes can offer opportunities that the group then strives to seize so that it is able to consolidate and build on its competitive position.

Whistleblower System

Škoda X is convinced that economic success is sustainable only if it ensures compliance with the rules, and therefore pays special attention to the obligation to comply with legal and internal regulations, ethical and other rules voluntarily accepted by the Volkswagen Group and Škoda X. These principles are not limited to business relationships but apply to all activities and behavior inside and outside the company. In order to meet these standards, it is important that we become aware of potential misconduct by our employees or business partners and stop it.

That is why for a long time the Central Reporting System, which is independent, impartial and confidential, has been operating throughout the Volkswagen Group, including our company. Based on Czech Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers, the company established another internal reporting system. Both systems guarantee the maximum possible protection of whistleblowers, affected persons and employees involved in the investigation of reported misconduct.

Therefore, at Škoda X there are now 2 Whistleblowing systems available. You can find more information about them under the links below:

1/ Central whistleblowing system for companies and brands of the Volkswagen Group and Basic information about central whistleblower system

2/ Whistleblowing system of Škoda X s. r. o., Based on Czech Act No. 171/2023 Coll., on the protection of whistleblowers